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Rough Surface

unique and hand crafted

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Our Story

Arrow Sniper, A Legacy

Hello, my name is Joshua O'Dell, also known as Arrow Sniper. In early 2020 when a world wide pandemic hit, I decided to chase my dreams and create a legacy. I began doing archery trick shots with a recurve bow and within weeks my dream of being a professional trick shot archer became a reality. My dream only became possible due to the support of my family, friends, and over a million online fans that have transitioned my social media family. As I pursued archery trick shots, I felt as though something was missing. There was another dream that I needed to also chase, becoming a bowyer and flint knapper. After spending countless hours practicing and researching. I finally made a traditional bow. Now, I want to bring my dream to you and make one of a kind, handcrafted traditional bows for you and your family to enjoy.

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Would you like to get in touch? Reach out, I'd be happy to hear from you. Please contact if you are interested in purchasing a custom traditional bow.

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